Monday, January 5, 2009

ninety minute delay!

today is my first day going back to school from vacation, so i decided i would wake up early and get extra cute for the day.
so i was completely ready, and i was actually on time for once in my life. and as i'm brushing my teeth, which is like, oh 5 minutes before we all leave, my step mom come in the bathroom and was like, oh hey, you have a 90 minute delay. i was pretty pissed, because once i'm like, up and awake, there is a 3% chance i will go back to sleep.
i aslo currently have hair in my eye. and its not the most comfortable thing in the world. so i'm rubbing my eye like a baboon, and my eyeliner is getting all messed up.
i wish i was still in laconia, where we dont have bullshit 90 minute delays, they suck it up and give us 2 hours. 90 minutes? like, how random is that? i know its an hour and a half, but who wants to add like that? 2 hour delay would be sooo much easier on everyones brain at 6:30 in the morning.
i can already tell that i'm going to have a shitty week, not gonna lie to you. i have to go back to trashua high! oh joy.

i'm most likely going back to laconia this weekend, because when i'm there, its like, oh hey, i might not have a shitty life for the weekend! but thats coooool.

so i started a youtube-y thing. my name is 'dominiquepwnsclearly' so find my videos, betch. =]

i'm gonna go fix my eyeliner and such before i leave!

random fact- The most common name in the world is Mohammed.

Friday, January 2, 2009

probably the best vacation of my life.

not gonna lie.
i basically had the most fun i have had in the past 2 months.
i'm not really going to go into details, butttt you can guess that i had some major fun.
when i breath out of my nose currently, it whistles. like the gopher from winnie the pooh. =]
but i'm sort of excited about the fact that i pretty much have another house in laconia.
diane said i can stay with her whenever i want. =] which i like, alot.
because she makes good food, and has very comfortable couches. ;]
so i got elizas ipod. but it blowed h-core because i had to delete all the music off of it, and i didn't want to do that. but i still have all of her pictures on it? so i have like, rado pictures of her and her boyfriend. and some with me. so it's fine. :P
it's charging right now. and tayler judges me because i was listening to it, while i was on the computer and she was just like? why would you not just listen to it from the computer. and i was like, uhm because i like the personal aspect. :p
well i'm probably going to sleep soon. because trying to wake up for school in 2 days is going to be hell in a handbasket. straight up.

random fact: brie's brother is turning 18 tomorrow. well technically today. :P

Saturday, December 27, 2008

so i'm at stephanies house. brandon , jean and rene just left.
i was sad because i wanted to hook up with someone tonight and they had to leave.
rene would have, but he had to be home. LAME.
uhm were wicked bored. and kinda want to be fucked up.
we're watching jackass. and it's hilarious.
we made cuppy cakes earlier. tres fun.
well thats about it.
except, hi i love th ikki twins.
okay =]


Thursday, December 25, 2008

first blog?

so it's like, 2 am. and i'm not sleeping. it was just christmas even though i didn't really have one. i'm waiting until january till we have mo' money. i'm actually really hyper right now. i'm listening to fergie, because my computer likes her apparently.
so i suppose i should tell you guys about myself? i dont really know what blogging is about. hahaha.
so i'm dominique. i'm 15. i'm bi. i just recently moved ou of my moms house, to live with my dad.
i've been to 3 schools this year. it's making me sort of crazy. i'm loud. i laugh alot. i love talking to people.
that's pretty much it.
i'm simple.
-domthebomb. <3